Thursday, February 10, 2011

Our Purpose

Sometimes I struggle with what exactly my purpose in life is. Is it being a mom? Is it being a wife? Is it being a photographer? None of these sum up my true purpose. I feel that everyone's purpose in life is to bring God glory. That's the very reason we were created. I know that so often my life does the exact opposite when I am being selfish, angry or worldly. I want God to be glorified in my life. I want to have a closer walk with him. So often, in life, we tend to get very discouraged because our live did not turn out like we planned. God's plans are far better than our plans because he can see bigger and farther than we can. I am so glad that he has plans to prosper us and use us for his glory. What can we do to bring God glory in our lives today? We must first start by spending time at his feet and adoring his face. After this, we must spend time in his Word. Then, we must be OBEDIENT to what he tells us. Let's start living out our purpose because there are people all around us that need to see the light of JESUS in us.


  1. That's a great post, Amy! I know I often get caught up in so many other things, and forget what my real purpose is too. Thanks for the reminder!

  2. I stumbled across your blog and just wanted to comment, I love this post. I too struggle with knowing what it is I'm supposed to be doing right now. I feel that I'm being pushed one direction, and then feel like I that couldn't possible be what I'm called to do because it seems that something over here is my calling. This was a good reminder of what is supposed to be truly important in our lives. Thank you.
